Stem Cell Nutrition for Pets

One of the greatest advances in health care in this century is the discovery that even our animal friend’s bone marrow manufactures healthy new cells, called stem cells, that can repair and replace injured and damaged tissues. Circulating stem cells form the natural repair system.  Studies show that a higher level of these stem cells, result in faster and more effective repair. Based on research a dietary supplement was developed to permit this bone marrow to be utilized, supporting increased production of stem cells. This is similar to feeding plant nutrients to the soil in our garden to grow more flowers.  The nutrients (or minerals) in Nu-Stems supports the production of an increased number of stem cells. Studies showed increases in stem cell count of up to 100% more and targeted increases with correct signaling to allow repair and function, when the correct minerals are available, for your best friend’s diet.

Organic Colloidal Minerals are required daily to promote good health and well being for your pets, by providing essential minerals, trace elements and nutrients in an easily assimilated form. Derived from prehistoric vegetation, cold-extracted and suspended in ultra-pure de-ionised water, this product is rich in minerals that are missing from your pets diet.

In their body, these are essential to achieve and maintain good health by chelating toxins and heavy metals, acting as antioxidant/free radical scavengers, stimulating enzyme systems, as a natural electrolyte, helping to rebuild immune systems, stimulating stem cell growth, cellular signaling, and catalyzing vitamins within the cell.

The organic colloidal mineral trace elements are negatively charged and the mineral ions and elements are absorbed immediately into the bloodstream.

Ninety percent of pets are deficient in at least some of these vital trace elements. These elements act as co-enzymes for every chemical reaction that takes place in the body. For example, digesting and absorbing food, and delivering food to the cells, are all chemical reactions. Breathing air and getting oxygen to the brain are also chemical reactions.

Understanding the function that stem cells play in our pets health and the importance of replacing lost minerals in their diet.

Give Your Best Friend Longevity.

Easy Dosing Bottle for Pets

It’s not only us who suffer from a lack of minerals but also our pets. 

Our modern diets even for our pets are low in minerals, especially Boron, which has been scientifically proven essential for animals.

Premium Pet Health provides these minerals in a simple easy dose system, where you add “missing minerals” to your pet’s water dish or food.

So many customers are loving the changes this has made to their furry friends that we offer a money-back guarantee to make sure you will be just as satisfied.

Each bottle lasts between 60 to 125 days depending on your pet’s weight.